Lick the Star (and Jacques Tati)

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Season Eleven has now drawn to a close and it’s time to take a fond look back at all of the movies we watched in 2023. Please enjoy the year in review, the new hall of fame inductees and the two shorts that we watch on the old leather couch: Sofia Coppola’s Lick the Star and Jacques Tati’s L’Ecole Des Facteurs (School for Postmen). In Seen It, we discuss bands of boys, hotels for puppets and, for our final Seen It of the year, a Hitchcock masterpiece.

One Response to “Lick the Star (and Jacques Tati)”

  1. Fancy Walkin'

    Suggestion for “Seen It” theme: Reversals. Movies on which you have flipped your opinions over the years. Anything you used to loathe and now love, or vice versa? What changed for you and why?

    For my part, this would be Resnais’ “Hiroshima mon amour.” I hated this film in college but now count it among my best-loved five. I think the difference is being younger than 30 in the former case and older in the latter.


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