Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!

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Faster_pussycat_kill_kill_poster_(1)“Ladies and Gentlemen…welcome to violence!”  Also, welcome to season 5, where we kick off the year with Russ Meyer’s hard-punching, back-breaking, brassiere-straining classic — Faster, Pussycat!  Kill!  Kill!  No squares, frails or safety-first Clydes allowed.
In Seen It, we take a sharp thematic U-turn and discuss Romance: in apartments, in Rio and on the west side.

One Response to “Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!”


    Laughing my butt off at the Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill! episode. I am a middle aged gay guy who is a HUGE Russ Meyer fan. love all his films. my hubby thinks I’m insane. Anyway, I just caugth FPK!K! on the big screen at a local theater. My brother and i went and had a blast. And now this episode. Synchronicity.

    If you are looking for more Russ, one of my favorite ones (mainly for the dialogue, which is insane) then i highly recommend “Good Morning And Goodbye…” I’m cruising through all of your episodes (Black Christmas was HILARIOUS. You guys have great chemistry. Thanks for sharing your unique brand of zany.

    –Ron Thibodeau
    Boston, MA


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