Mazes and Monsters

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MazesMonstersVHSCoverOur fragile minds are pushed to the limit by the made-for-TV melodrama Mazes and Monsters. A cautionary tale about obsession and the debut of a young Mr. Tom Hanks. Beware the sacrilege!
In Seen It, we explore other tales of obsession: the lust for treasure, the thirst for video game glory and a bunch of overprotective parents yelling at each other.

5 Responses to “Mazes and Monsters”

  1. FatValKilmer

    have you ever seen the diary of Anne frank (1959 version)? or the Punisher war zone ? I watched Anne frank when I was in the 6th grade and I actually enjoyed it? the Punisher however is horrible. The acting is bad, The cgi is terrible, and its also ridiculous, but it is so fun to watch and i recommend both movies.

  2. cambones

    have y’all ever seen ‘Beyond the black rainbow’? i watched it not too long ago and I still don’t really know what to make of it. I might have started out hoping for a much more interesting movie, but I remember doing what i never do, which is start doing chores during a movie and then saying ‘no this is probably going to get really interesting and mean something, get back on that couch and study this indie gem!’ and then get bored again.. but honestly I wonder if i just missed something about it and should give it another go around.

    (favorite movie ever – Children of Men)

    keep up the gold. I still laugh if I even THINK about the Mac n Me episode.

  3. Nathan Fulk

    Have you guys ever seen the documentary “Such Hawks, Such Hounds?” I remember Matt saying on the “Decline of Western Civilization II” episode that he really enjoyed “Rock-Docs.” this is a great one about the unfortunately very underrated genre of metal called Doom or Desert rock. it is a great documentary that I have seen many many times. It shows the stories of some of my favorite bands like Sleep, Earthless, and Kyuss. WATCH IT!!!

  4. Alexander Hauck

    It’s funny because I remember first watching this movie when I was younger and thought it was pretty good, now watching it all these years later it is pretty bad but for all of the problems this film has it does have a great performance from Tom Hanks and really he is the only reason to watch the movie.

  5. Harvey Ting

    I have to say I’m a big fan of Tom. He has played so many histroic roles during his career. And just a genuine person as well.


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