Pride and Prejudice

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We belatedly celebrate Valentine’s Day with a viewing of one of the great romances of all time. Will the Bennett sisters find happiness? Rendezvous at the old leather couch and find out.
In Seen It, we discuss Oscar contenders: the land of La La, the light of the moon and a very significant arrival.



One Response to “Pride and Prejudice”

  1. Glenn

    Re La La Land. I thought I was the only one. It has no memorable tunes except the ones the 80s covers band plays, which ironically is supposed to be humiliating for Goslings tin eared artiste!
    What is the point of a musical where the the songs lack hooks and the chemistry has all the fizz of a potato? I honestly think this is an example of pre-hype creating the idea of Greatness out of nothing very much.
    By the way great show.


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